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“無” or “无” (simplified), pronounced as “Wu” with rising tone (Wú), is a Chinese character with the meaning of “none, nothing”. In Chinese philosophy, everything is included in “無” and everything can be generated from “無”. The first half was four solo pieces, and the second half was a "game". Anyone who wanted to join the performance could bring their instruments, and put their names in the box at the door before the performance started. Yunjia started the second half with one commissioned piece, then drew one name from the box. The person came to perform and then drew another name, as it went on... The game finished until everyone performed. Then Yunjia played the final piece. :) Special experience - a recital without wearing shoes! Special thanks to: Composer You Yue (幽月) and Federico Favali for composing the three commissioned pieces; Illustrator Icy Zhang (张妍冰) for designing the posters and illustrators for Mayfly and Flourishing Age; Photographer and Videographer: Qinrui Wang and Lei Qi Guest musicians (in alphabetical order): Brandon Lee (koto), Bridgitte Dias (violin), Daniel Arancibia (guitar), Ivan & Olivia Ljubicic (guitar), Jessop Maticevski Shumack (guitar), Lue Gai & Chris (tango), Nigel Tam (guitar), Paul Nash (guitar), Yu Liu & Kallet Zhong (guitar) for joining the performance; Tonié, Noelle, Jessop, Bridgitte, and Yhizaira for the generous help! Let's play together! Programme Carlo Domeniconi Koyunbaba Yunjia Liu Evil? arr. Gerald Garcia Spring Breeze 望春风 Thomas Fellow Medusa Intermission
幽月 (You Yue) 蜉蝣 (Mayfly) Australia Premiere Commissioned by Yunjia Liu Then the order depends on the "drawing game" :) Sawai Tadao 鷹 (Taka - The Hawk) arr. for koto and guitar by Brandon Lee and Yunjia Liu Fea. Brandon Lee Yunjia Liu Spiegel (Feat. Daniel Arancibia and Jessop Maticevski Shumack) Yunjia Liu Happiness "Coconut" Dedicated to Bridgitte Dias and Daniel Arancibia & YOUR PERFORMANCE! Final piece: 幽月 (You Yue) 盛世遗墨绘昔尘 (Flourishing Age Painted by Vestigial Ink and Immemorial Dust) Australia Premiere Commissioned by Yunjia Liu Live Video
Carlo Domeniconi (Excerpt) Evil?
J. Hermit (Excerpt) Spring Breeze (望春风)
Chinese Folk Song arr. Gerald Garcia (Excerpt) Medusa
Thomas Fellow (Excerpt) Happiness "Coconut"
J. Hermit Dedicated to Bridgitte Dias and Daniel Arancibia Improvisation after 1'00 Performer: Bridgitte Dias and Daniel Arancibia 鷹 (Taka)
Sawai Tadao Performer: Yunjia Liu and Brandon Lee Arranged by Yunjia Liu and Brandon Lee for Koto and Guitar (Excerpt) Spiegel
J. Hermit Performer: Daniel Arancibia, Jessop Maticevski Shumack, and J. Hermit (Excerpt) Visual Art
Promotion Video Excerpts
Photos Commissioned Pieces
Composer: You Yue (幽月)
Illustrator: Icy Zhang (张妍冰) Prologue
A few things Yunjia wants to achieve for a long time and all happened in this show: 1. Play together with friends, collaborate in different ways and have fun 2. A performance without classification of styles 3. Play music with illustration on side 4. Perform Yunjia's own piece 5. Designed poster 6. Play under spotlights 7. Play without wearing shoes 8. Premiere commissioned pieces 9. Play a game while giving a show Thank you all! @ J. Hermit - Yunjia Liu 2021 | |||||